#Attention Woman Dieters...
Discover Why Intermittent Fasting and Keto - - When Combined
May Be The Most Effective Weight Loss System EVER… Even If You’ve Repeatedly Failed In The Past
Best of all... strenuous exercise is NOT required... and the potential health benefits can be significant!
Dear Struggling Dieter,
1. You might be wondering... what the heck IS Intermittent Fasting?
Well… it’s NOT a diet.
In fact, it’s actually just a simplified schedule of eating.
This “schedule” involves sticking to a fixed number of hours for eating, followed by a fixed number of hours for “fasting” (where you don’t eat anything).
In addition to a loss of fat, there are PROVEN health benefits to intermittent fasting. This has been confirmed by women who have given this healthy “lifestyle” a try.
The thing is…
There’s a “dirty little secret” the weight-loss industry does NOT want you to know…
2. Most weight loss programs simply DO NOT WORK.
That is, they don’t provide long-term, lasting results. The weight lost eventually creeps back on.
Why is that true?
Is it because highly restrictive diets aren’t practical or sustainable? (I’ve experienced this issue…and you probably have, too.)
Is it also because the industry wants to retain their “customers” — and PROFITS — more than they want to actually help you lose weight?
I’ll leave that for you to sort out and decide.
But here’s what I DO know…
3. There's a BETTER WAY to lose weight and get healthier.
You see, there is a weight loss “protocol” that nutritionists, dieticians, and fitness fanatics everywhere swear by.
But let me back up a step…
Because I’m actually talking about TWO different — but complimentary — eating protocols (or systems, or programs… if you prefer).
The first one is called Intermittent Fasting; the second one is The Keto Diet.
I’ll get into what these are and how they work in a moment. But, for now, what you need to understand is that impressive results are commonly reported…
4. When these two eating protocols are COMBINED.
Here’s the bottom line…
Nothing else can match the FAT LOSS potential of Intermittent Fasting + Keto.
And that’s why I wrote this e-book… and my keto (mini) e-book. I felt that people — ESPECIALLY WOMEN — needed to know about it.
My goal is to quickly and easily put you on the “inside track.”

The Power Of Intermittent Fasting + Keto Is Deceptively Simple...
I say that because this shift in eating can POTENTIALLY produce significant benefits…
These may include fat loss, better regulation of sugar levels, a reduction in inflammation, improved heart health, the potential to help prevent cancer, reduced brain fog, anti-aging effects… and even life extension (as a result of managing a host of health issues).
It’s a bit more complicated than that.
That’s why — inside Intermittent Fasting for Women — I’ll lay out exactly how it works and show how you can take advantage of its apparent health advantages and benefits.
So, with that said…
Here's My Book From A Big-Picture View...
I cover…
- Intermittent Fasting and its Benefits.
- Intermittent Fasting Protocols for Women.
- Why Intermittent Fasting is Different for Women.
- Tips for Safe & Effective Intermittent Fasting.
- How You can Begin Your Own Intermittent Fasting Journey.
Plus, in my 2nd e-book…
- How the Keto Diet fits into this “master plan.”
With that abbreviated overview out of the way…
Here's A More In-Depth Look Inside...

Let me touch on some of the specific things you’ll learn…
- What the popular “16:8” schedule is… and how it affects your metabolism.
- How you can use Intermittent Fasting to help STABILIZE your insulin level… and INCREASE your fat burning rate.
- An explanation of the differences in the way Intermittent Fasting affects women. (Note: It’s due to the differences in HORMONES.)
- Why losing weight is easier with Intermittent Fasting. (Tip: Fat loss is actually a side-benefit of the improved state of health that Intermittent Fasting helps create.)
- The digestive benefits Intermittent Fasting can help produce for individuals who experience bloating, inflammation, and digestive distress.
- Why Intermittent Fasting is especially beneficial when combined with a Keto diet. (Note: Read my 2nd BONUS e-book, Combining Intermittent Fasting with Keto.)
- 7 important benefits of Intermittent Fasting. (Hint: Intermittent Fasting can potentially help symptoms such as brain fog, energy levels… and 5 others.)
- Why Intermittent Fasting may also have an impact on health conditions such as heart disease and stroke risk.
- Why you don’t necessarily need to be on a “strict” Keto diet for your body to go into the fat-burning state of KETOSIS.
- Why Intermittent Fasting tends to NATURALLY suppress and reduce your appetite.
- The potential drawbacks of Intermittent Fasting and how to avoid them. (Note: My e-books will help you smoothly transition into Intermittent Fasting.)
- How to find the best time of the day for your “big meal” and smaller “snack.” (Note: You can adjust these to your own personal preference.)
- Why you should track how you feel when on the program. (Tip: There are a number of changes you may notice while doing Intermittent Fasting. These include things such as a decreased hunger level and improved sleep patterns.)
- What you should eat while practicing Intermittent Fasting. (Hint: I’ll explain calorie levels, foods, macronutrients, and more.)
- The 5 factors that women should discuss with their doctor — BEFORE BEGINNING THE PROGRAM — if they are in their childbearing years.
- And much more!
Frequently Asked Questions...
The information I’m presenting is based on my own positive experience. But EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Yet, Intermittent Fasting and Keto are both EXTREMELY popular.
I’m NOT a medical doctor or health care professional. Therefore, it is ESSENTIAL to check with your physician before starting Intermittent Fasting and/or Keto. Your doctor is in the best position to review your medical history and advise you.
For most people, the answer is YES. Inside my books, I’ll walk you through the essential information you need to know.
That said, Intermittent Fasting + Keto is a different kind of diet. That’s because they put your body into a FAT-BURNING STATE called KETOSIS.
My advice? Download my two books… read them… get approval from your doctor… then give Intermittent Fasting + Keto a try. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised! 🙂
Well, first of all (as explained in my books) there ARE a few issues that can affect WOMEN.
However, generally speaking, I’m convinced that anyone who is willing to make an effort can succeed when following Intermittent Fasting + Keto.
For many individuals — especially those with blood sugar issues — Intermittent Fasting + Keto may very well be the OPTIMAL way of eating.
However, if you decide that it’s not for you, you’re covered by my 30-day, money-back guarantee. (See below.)